Welcome to Trusted Testimonials

Testimonial Marketing and Management of your Listing will Boost Web Traffic to your Website and Social Media Accounts. Testimonial Listings really work, and enhance your Business or Nonprofit Organization on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, to name a few.
Christopher Ogus - Sacramento, Ca.

Upload a FREE Video Testimonial Now!!
Our company provides a management platform for professional testimonial listings for your business or nonprofit.
Customers / Clients
Post a testimonial about how the business owner or nonprofit owner serviced you,
their performance, and why you would recommend them.
Add pictures or business cards to your customer / client testimonials.
Upload a video testimonial to show off your favorite business or nonprofit on our YouTube Channel here.
You have an opportunity to testify about the business or nonprofit that serviced you.
Every testimonial you submit on the business/nonprofit listing will help boost their rankings on search engines.
Simply by creating a customer/client testimonial, you are now a huge part of the marketing plan to grow the company that serviced you.

Future customers or clients care about hearing from their employees.
Your employees have an opportunity to upload a video on your listing testifying the ethics, values and good opportunities they have working with an established company.
You may have your employees submit a written testimonial with pictures and/or videos on the business owners listing. Having this critically important quality content linked to your website will enhance your search engine presence.
Having pride in the company you work for? Show off how much you care by creating a testimonial on their listing.

Without volunteers, some nonprofits would cease to exist.
People working and sharing together make the life stream of the world. Whether you donated time, energy, or money to volunteer for anything your mind could imagine, then you deserve to have your testimonial exposed for future generations.

Video Testimonials
Check out our YouTube Channel and Upload a Video Testimonial for free!
Free advertising for your business or nonprofit!!
- Upload a FREE testimonial video to enhance the transparency of your business or nonprofit organization.
- Upload FREE video testimonials of your employees, volunteers, customers and clients. This creates relationships with your next potential customers, clients, staff or members before they even meet your business or nonprofit organization in person.
- Uploading FREE testimonial videos will also enhance your website presence on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and social media websites, such as YouTube, Viemo, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Video Testimonial marketing is a very powerful and effective tool for anyone looking to promote their business, and increase sales. It gives the future client a chance to really connect with you before you even meet them. They will be impressed by the unique approach introduced by your video testimonial presentation.
Video Testimonials for Search Results
Choose the category that best suits your profession.
Create a Free Listing and upload a video from your phone or any other device. Your Listing could include testimonial videos of yourself, employees, volunteers, and valued clients or customers. Testimonial marketing is a very powerful and effective tool for anyone looking to promote their business, and increase sales. Check it out and see how testimonial videos will help drive traffic to your website and generate networks of reputable companies and nonprofits to ultimately enhance search engine rankings.